by Luke Petri | May 04, 2009
Shortly we will be announcing the official press release of our OEM partnership with Orbis Software which has opened up many channels of opportunity for our clients in managing their performance by integrating it with the powerful capabilities that Orbis Software's TaskCentre gives. TaskCentre's powerful Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities marry up nicely with SymVolli’s sales performance objectives giving customers an opportunity to drive efficiency as well as measuring effectiveness.
"The Sales Performance Management arena is an exciting market for our BPM Suite. Removing the repetitive workloads from sales representatives will have a positive impact on their results." said Mathew Lidster, Sales Director for Orbis Software.
Workflow and process are an important part of being effective in the business world and SymVolli's focus on concentrating on how and why sales happens can now be integrated with process automation so that company procedures can be kept to - and less information get lost
"By using such a powerful tool as TaskCentre within SymVolli we are helping our customers to work smarter not harder" said George Petri, Managing Director here at SymVolli. "At the most basic level we help our clients automate repetitive tasks, and at the highest make sure that key milestones are not missed in workflow processes such as getting, checking and authorisation for issuing of a proposal to a client."