by Luke Petri | Jul 20, 2009
A little over a year ago, I started doodling (though absolutely not in the middle of sales meetings… honest!). These doodles were varied in content from the surreal to those based on amusing real life situations in the sales world and so I thought of a web comic as a platform to publish these musings, mainly to entertain the sales people and customers that frequent the SymVolli website. And thus was born ‘Shoot the Salesman’ a weekly cartoon.
Today, and much to my surprise, I am pleased to announce the 52nd cartoon to be posted up. I say surprise, because I was unsure of how much content I could think of and how it would be received. Thankfully, I am happy to say that it has been very well received from those that read it and as yet I haven’t run out of material. Sales, it appears, is full of fun and humour and I hope that I can continue to create more fun for those in sales for the coming year as well.
For now, I leave you with a few of my favourites over the past year and hope that you too enjoy fun, laughter and humour in your business dealings.