by Luke Petri | Jan 04, 2010
As we are tackling the business critical issue of sales performance improvement we need to develop our business partner channel based on people who have the expertise in this field and who are comfortable in dealing with senior management. Graham Whittle is a professional that has the experience both in sales performance improvement and in dealing with senior management. We at Nomis Limited and SymVolli look forward to a long and prosperous partnership with Going4Growth.
"As a Sales & Marketing Professional, I am always looking for ways in which I can add further value to my clients." said Graham Whittle, Managing Director of Going4Growth "A recurring theme I hear from business owners is the challenge of how to manage a company working with sales forecasts they can’t trust. Typically, this is because they offer low predictability being based on the ‘gut feel’ of sales people and often times stuffed with low quality leads. Symvolli uniquely addresses this challenge head on: it enables business owners to see the future more clearly and to make investment decisions with confidence."
Graham Whittle is an experienced Sales & Marketing Professional with a successful track record working with both SMEs and larger international corporations. During his career, Graham has devised and implemented sales & marketing growth strategies for industry leaders in manufacturing, distribution and services across a wide range of industry sectors in the UK and overseas. He has managed marketing programmes in Europe, the Middle East, USA, SE Asia and Australia. Graham established Going4Growth in January 2005.
Going4Growth works with the owners and directors of ambitious companies that are not winning as much business as they deserve, and who have taken the decision to make a fundamental change to their sales & marketing activities. Typically, these companies have hit a sales 'glass ceiling' and are frustrated in their efforts to break through by winning many more new clients to achieve their growth objectives. This is often despite having spent a lot of money, time and effort on various sales & marketing initiatives and 'good ideas'. Going4Growth helps them to develop and implement effective sales & marketing programmes that deliver £000s of profitable new business and realise their growth ambitions.”